
Smart Pole
MeshSmart Smart pole provides a complete solution of wireless access connectivity via innovative hardware technologies and Cityconnect management platform. Smart pole bring us one step closer to achieving a real smart city by solving 5G/IoT connectivity issues, data integrity and enabling IoT data operations.
Campus lighting
When it comes to schools, safety of students is always the top priority. With good lighting systems, students will feel a lot safer. They are adaptive at dimming the light fixtures so they always give the right amount of light whenever and wherever on the campus. Their flexible scheduling system also allow lights to be managed very efficiently, since the system saves light when the school is out, and provides enough light when there is an event going on. Overall, the lighting system saves about 50% energy usage.

Parking Lot Lightings
One of the biggest concerns for the public to choose where they shop or visit is dependent on the ease of parking. Nobody likes to look for a spot in a congested area for an extended period of time. ParkSmart strives to make parking a non-issue for drivers. The system monitors lot vacancy in real time, it use its indicators, display board and mobile app to direct drivers to empty spots. It is also capable of tracking the duration the car has parked and proceed to alert both the operator and driver if warnings or tickets are to be handed. It helps businesses optimize parking lot traffic while reducing operating costs. The system also improves drivers’ experience as it directs them to vacant spots.

Lighting Upgrades
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Install A Ceiling Fan
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Backup Generators
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Wiring Upgrades
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LED Lighting
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Insurance Inspections
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